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Welcome to the second part of our wine course series!

With the help of our first wine course series, you have already learned the most important basic topics in the world of wine. In the second part of our wine course series, you will find 11 different articles that will expand your wine knowledge and make you a wine connoisseur.

Just click through and acquire new connoisseur wine knowledge !

Reading time approx. 3 min

Red wine, white wine and rosé wine are the classics.
But what is orange wine? Here you can find out everything you need to know about the fourth wine color.

Reading time approx. 2:20 min

There are numerous growing areas, both in Germany and worldwide. How can you keep track of them all? We'll give you an overview of the most important ones.

Reading time approx. 3:10 min

In many cases, the label of a wine provides the only indication of its quality. Contrary to expectations, however, the information on it is cryptic and difficult to understand. Time to change that!

Reading time approx. 4:30 min

Wine is available in all price ranges. The question often arises as to what the differences are between expensive and cheap wines? We can explain!

Reading time approx. 3 min

Finding the right combination of food and wine can be a challenge. "Food pairing" is the technical term here, and we'll explain the most important facts to you.

Reading time approx. 2:30 min

Wine decanters are not only used for decorative purposes. But what other purposes do they serve? In this article, you will learn everything about decanting.

Reading time approx. 3 min

Classic wine is not a vegan product. This information astonishes many people. We explain the background and provide information about alternative processes for vegan wine production.

Reading time approx. 2 min

An alcohol-free wine? That sounds paradoxical at first. Nevertheless: Even a wine without alcohol can be a real taste experience. We show you our 5 favorites and explain how alcohol-free wine is made.

Reading time approx. 2:10 min

Anyone who buys wine probably doesn't pay much attention to sustainability. But wine is one of the most environmentally harmful drinks. We'll tell you what you need to look out for!

Reading time approx. 3 min

It has long been said that wine is said to have health-promoting effects. But how much truth is there behind this? We provide information!

Reading time approx. 3 min

The everyday life of a winemaker is much more varied than you might think. But what does a winemaker do all year round? Come with us on a journey into the typical everyday life of a winemaker.

Reading time approx. 2 min

Is natural wine the better wine? Definitely not. Is it worth taking a look at the scene trend of the last few years? Absolutely!

Where can I find further course content?

Where can I find further course content?

Contains all basic topics about wine!

Click here to go to Part I

Get a deeper understanding of wine!

Click here to go to Part II

Complete your wine knowledge!

Click here to go to Part III