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Welcome to the first part of our wine course series!

Are you new to the field of wine language, but would like to learn more about the world of wine? Then you have come to the right place! In the first part of our wine course series, you will find 13 different articles on the subject of wine, which will explain the most important basic topics in a simple and understandable way.

Just click through! 

Reading time approx. 4:30 min

Anyone who thinks that wine only consists of grape juice and alcohol is unfortunately completely wrong. It is not for nothing that wine is one of the most complex drinks in the world! 

Reading time approx. 3:20 min

Before the wine can be bottled, 5 steps must be completed. Do you already know them?

Reading time approx. 4:30 min

Red, white and rosé wine are among the most typical types of wine. But do you know the exact difference between the types?

Reading time approx. 2 min

There are many different types of wine. You've already heard of red, white and rosé wine. But do you also know about sparkling, dessert, sparkling and liqueur wines?

Reading time approx. 3 min

There are over 10,000 grape varieties worldwide - how can you keep track of them all? Here you can find out which grape varieties you should definitely know as a beginner.

Reading time approx. 2 min

The idea that wine from one grape always tastes the same has long been disproved. But how do I recognize wine aromas and what taste differences are there? We provide information.

Reading time approx. 2:30 min

Not every bottle of wine is opened immediately – on the contrary: some wine bottles sit around at home for months or years. But how do you store wine bottles properly at home? We'll explain.

Reading time approx. 2 min

The perfect wine glass helps you to present all the nuances of your wine in the best possible way! But how do you find the best wine glass? We'll give you an overview here!

Reading time approx. 3:40 min

The fact that wine has its own language drives many wine beginners to despair! Therefore, we give you a brief overview of the most important wine terms!

Reading time approx. 3 min

For many wine lovers, choosing the right wine is the most difficult decision - understandably. But most people forget that after buying the wine, there are other important aspects to consider so that nothing stands in the way of the perfect wine enjoyment. We'll explain what they are!

Reading time approx. 3:20 min

Wine is a complex and versatile luxury item. It is therefore easy to make small mistakes when consuming it. Find out what these are and how to avoid them here!

Reading time approx. 2:30 min

Dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet or sweet? Wait a minute: How do the wines actually differ? In this article, you will learn about the different flavors of wine and what they are all about.

Reading time approx. 2:30 min

Sweet, soft, refreshing, tart - for laypeople, the language of wine is a science in itself. No wonder, because real wine connoisseurs have practiced it for years. In this article, you will find out how you can still have a say and how wine tastes can be classified in general.

Where can I find further course content?

Where can I find further course content?

Contains all basic topics about wine!

Click here to go to Part I

Get a deeper understanding of wine!

Click here to go to Part II

Complete your wine knowledge!

Click here to go to Part III