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    Not every bottle of wine is opened immediately - on the contrary: some wine bottles sit around at home for months or years. But is that actually good for the wine? How do you store wine bottles properly at home?

    Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions.

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    Reading time approx. 3 minutes

    How do you store your wine properly?

    The German Wine Institute recommends a cool, damp cellar for storing wine - ideally with a temperature between 10 and 12 degrees. The cellar should also be odorless and dark. Since not everyone has such conditions at home, a cooled wine cabinet is recommended for real wine lovers. However, depending on the equipment, this can cost three figures.

    If you don't have such conditions or if the investment is too high, you can also look for a reasonably cool place in your home. It is important for the perfect storage place for wine that the temperatures do not fluctuate too much. Exposure to smells and light should also be avoided.

    What is the ideal place for wine storage?

    A wine cellar or a wine cooler would be ideal. But not everyone has one at home, so you can also use your own living room. We recommend a dark place in the closet or under the bed in the bedroom. The bedroom is usually the coolest place in the home. The kitchen is not ideal for storing wine. Cooking and baking cause the temperatures to fluctuate too much.


    Store your wine in a cool and dark place.

    At what temperature should wine be stored?

    The most important rule for storing wine is to avoid heat and high temperatures. This is especially true in summer, when the house heats up during the day due to the sun's rays. If the temperature is consistently above 20 degrees, the wine loses its aromas and matures too quickly. It shouldn't be too cold either: the freezer is not an ideal place for wine. A temperature between 10 and 12 degrees is best. If there is no alternative, a wine can also be kept in the fridge for several months. The only important thing is that the temperatures don't fluctuate too much.


    Store your wine at a temperature between 10 and 12 degrees.

    How long can you actually store a wine?

    Most wines today are sold ready to drink. This means that a wine does not necessarily get better when it is stored. In fact, this only applies to a tenth of the wines sold. It is difficult to tell from the outside which wines are in this category. The age of the vine depends on this, as does the number of tannins. Most wines should only be stored at home for up to two years. Premium wines can also be stored for up to ten years. In general, it can be said that the higher the alcohol, sweetness, acidity and tannin content (in red wines), the longer the wine will keep.


    Do not store your wine at home for longer than two years. (Premium wines are excluded)

    Should wines be stored standing or lying down?

    If the wine has a cork and is to be kept for a long time, it is recommended to store it lying down, horizontally. This prevents the cork from drying out and reduces the risk of oxygen penetrating the bottle over time. This applies particularly to natural corks. If you want to do it right, you can also seal the cork with a special sealing wax beforehand. However, it is usually not necessary to store wine lying down. Even after a few months, the corks will not dry out if they are properly sealed. For wines with other closures, it doesn't matter anyway - they can be stored upright without any problems.


    You can also store your wine standing up without any problem. (Except for wines with cork closures that are intended to be stored for several years)

    Does the alcohol content of wine change over time?

    A longer maturation period through storage results in a wine that appears more harmonious and softer. This is due to the formation of esters. The acid and alcohol content remains almost the same, even if the esterification gives the impression that there is less acid and alcohol in it. Instead, a wine loses fruit aromas. However, if stored correctly, this process takes quite a long time.


    The alcohol content usually does not change that much.

    How long does an open wine last?

    When you open a wine, it encounters its greatest enemy: oxygen. An oxidation process begins that makes the wine undrinkable. This is why an opened wine does not actually last long. As a rule, you can assume that an open bottle of white wine should be drunk within two to three days. The less wine there is in the bottle, the shorter its shelf life. Open red wines, on the other hand, last a little longer: the average here is four to six days.


    Open bottles of white wine have a shelf life of two to three days.

    Open bottles of red wine have a shelf life of four to six days.


    1. It is best to store your wine in a cool, damp and dark cellar. Alternatively, the bedroom is also suitable, as this is usually the coolest room.
    2. Exposure to odors and light should be avoided.
    3. Wine is best stored at a temperature of 10 - 12 degrees.
    4. Since most wines are sold ready to drink, you should only store your wine at home for up to two years.
    5. It doesn't really matter whether you store your wine standing up or lying down.
    6. The alcohol content largely does not change over time.
    7. Open wine bottles do not last long! White wines only last between 2 - 3 days, red wines can be kept open for up to 6 days.

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    Reading time: approx. 2 minutes